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Choosing the Right Procedures

I have worked as a receptionist at a popular cosmetic surgery office for the past ten years, and I have seen every type of cosmetic surgery and recovery that you could imagine. Unfortunately, some patients are much better at choosing their procedures than others. For example, we had one patient that opted to have ten nose jobs in a row, which lead to a deformed bridge and a super tiny nose tip. Unfortunately, when she came back a few months later to have the problem corrected, the doctors didn't have enough tissue to work with. On my website, you will learn how to decide which procedures are right for you, so that you aren't left regretting your decisions down the road.


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Choosing the Right Procedures

Botox Injections Into Your Bladder Muscle: The Answer To Urinary Frequency And Bladder Leakage

by Michelle Austin

No more will you have to keep running back and forth as you cope with more than your share of visiting the restroom at home and in public places. Urinary frequency is the bane of your life that has you scurrying around like the man in the stadium commercial who can't seem to settle in his game seat before he is up again beating a fast track to the restroom. Botox is recognized as the answer to the problem after your urologist diagnoses and rules you are a candidate for bladder reconstruction. The Federal Drug Administration (FDA) has approved Botox as an effective drug that prevents you from experiencing the distressing symptoms of urinary frequency and associated leakage

What Is Botox?

Botox is a drug that is culled from a neurotoxin. Neurotoxin is produced by botulinum toxin from the Clostridium botulinum bacterium. Interestingly enough, this bacterium produces the toxin that causes botulism. Botulism results in food poisoning when you ingest botulin. If botulism is not treated immediately, you can die from this poisoning.

Despite the toxicity of Botulinum toxin, it is used for the product's therapeutic protein quality to benefit many medical problems, among which is urinary frequency. It's the low dosage of Botulinum toxin used in medical treatments that makes Botox such a formidable drug. Your urinary frequency problems go away after you've undergone Botox treatment for this affliction.

How The Drug Works

Muscles in your body contract when your nerves release acetylcholine. Acetylcholine acts as a neurotransmitter to muscle cells. Botulinum toxin prevents release of acetylcholine, which lessens the contraction of your bladder's smooth muscle cells.

Abnormal muscle contractions send signals to your bladder that you need to urinate quite often. Botox reconstruction expands your bladder, which decreases the urinary muscle contractions of your bladder that signal a need for you to repeatedly empty your bladder.

The Botox Procedure

Your urology surgeon injects Botox into your bladder during a cystoscopy procedure. Botox relaxes your bladder muscle, and your bladder then stores larger amounts of urine. The procedure acts to reduce urinary frequency. Scientists confirm that this Botox procedure is twice likely to end female overactive bladder symptoms than other medications do.

Anticholinergic medications are sometimes used to lessen the acetylcholine transmitter activity in your bladder. However, if you already have an overactive bladder that's leaking urine at the behest of acetylcholine, your bladder has no other choice than to squeeze without warning and urine begins to leak out.

For more information, contact cosmetic surgeries (such as Cosmetic Surgery & Laser Center).
