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Choosing the Right Procedures

I have worked as a receptionist at a popular cosmetic surgery office for the past ten years, and I have seen every type of cosmetic surgery and recovery that you could imagine. Unfortunately, some patients are much better at choosing their procedures than others. For example, we had one patient that opted to have ten nose jobs in a row, which lead to a deformed bridge and a super tiny nose tip. Unfortunately, when she came back a few months later to have the problem corrected, the doctors didn't have enough tissue to work with. On my website, you will learn how to decide which procedures are right for you, so that you aren't left regretting your decisions down the road.


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Choosing the Right Procedures


3 Advantages Of Freezing The Fat Away

Cryolipolysis is a method of removing unwanted fat that involves freezing the cells so they are eventually destroyed and removed from the body. There are several advantages of freezing fat instead of using other fat removal methods. Fast Procedure The procedure itself is fast. You may have an appointment for an hour or less depending on how many areas will be treated during each session. A fast procedure makes fat freezing more accessible to people, both in terms of costs and commitment.

Plastic Surgery Can Reduce The Signs Of Aging In Your Neck

The first signs of aging for a lot of people is sagging skin on the neck. Part of it is due to genes, and part of it is due to the aging process. However, if your neck starts to sag early, it can make you look years older than your age. You may even feel self-conscious about your appearance. While skin treatments may help with wrinkles and crepey skin, it usually takes plastic surgery to repair a saggy neck.

3 Tips For Reducing Flabby Arms After Significant Weight Loss

Most people who have a major weight loss will have some degree of loose skin on their arms. Although the problem can make you self-conscious about your arms or make exercising uncomfortable, there are ways to can minimize the problem. Give It Time When you are proud of your weight loss accomplishments, it is easy to stay fixated on your loose skin. Although time will not eliminate copious amounts of loose skin, it is difficult to see how much loose skin you truly have if you have not maintained your weight loss for a while.

Do You Need Breast Augmentation?

Having larger breasts is a desire of many women, but do you really need the surgery? The surgical procedure can be quite expensive and takes time to recover from. However, if you are truly unhappy with the way your body looks and you want a change, breast augmentation surgery may be right for you. Use this guide to help you decide if breast surgery is your best option. You only want to go up a little in size

No Sweat: How To Stay Active While Recovering From Liposuction Surgery

One of the biggest worries that many people have about liposuction surgery is how to stay active during the recovery phase. While there's no getting around bed rest for the first couple of days, you don't have to turn into a couch potato while you heal. There are plenty of ways you can stay active throughout your recovery without risking any setbacks in the healing process. Start With a Normal Walk

3 Non-Surgical Ways To Tackle Your Problem Areas

When you lose weight, one of the unfortunate realities is that you cannot spot reduce and control which areas lose more fat. However, this does not mean that you can't take steps to re-sculpt your body. Here are three tips to help you tackle your problem areas.  1. Add Weights to Your Exercise Routine If you don't already lift weights, it is time to add them to your exercise routine. Though weights won't let you spot reduce, they will help you increase your muscle mass and retain the muscle that you already have.

A Mini Tummy Tuck Might Be The Answer For Your Stomach Bulge That Doesn't Respond To Exercise

If you live a healthy lifestyle and are at your ideal weight, a stomach bulge can be very discouraging. A bulge can be caused by loose skin, stretched muscles, or stored fat. It seems like no matter how much you exercise, your stomach won't return to the flat position it had when you were young. If this sounds like you, a mini tummy tuck might be able to help. Here's some information about the procedure.

Fed Up With Shaving These Areas? Turn To Laser Hair Removal

If you're a woman with a desire to remove hair from certain parts of your body, you might have tried waxing and other home-based methods with varying results. Because waxing is a time-consuming process and your hair may grow in faster than you'd like, it's possible that you've made the mistake of grabbing a razor and shaving certain areas — only to realize, in horror, that doing so has given the hair a dull tip, making it more visible.