I have worked as a receptionist at a popular cosmetic surgery office for the past ten years, and I have seen every type of cosmetic surgery and recovery that you could imagine. Unfortunately, some patients are much better at choosing their procedures than others. For example, we had one patient that opted to have ten nose jobs in a row, which lead to a deformed bridge and a super tiny nose tip. Unfortunately, when she came back a few months later to have the problem corrected, the doctors didn't have enough tissue to work with. On my website, you will learn how to decide which procedures are right for you, so that you aren't left regretting your decisions down the road.
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One of the biggest worries that many people have about liposuction surgery is how to stay active during the recovery phase. While there's no getting around bed rest for the first couple of days, you don't have to turn into a couch potato while you heal. There are plenty of ways you can stay active throughout your recovery without risking any setbacks in the healing process.
Start With a Normal Walk
Movement is one of the most important keys to a quick and comfortable recovery. Not only does it promote increased circulation and prevent blood clots from forming, but it can also go a long way towards you keeping your newfound physique.
After a day or two of bed rest, start out with a nice stroll around the neighborhood. Your doctor may recommend that you not raise your heart rate unnecessarily for the next few days, so stick to a normal walking pace.
While walking, pay close attention to your body's reaction to light activity. If you experience dizziness, fatigue or nausea at any point of your walk, stop immediately and seek medical attention.
Add Swimming and Stationary Biking
After a week of ordinary walking, you can likely ease yourself into more strenuous activities such as swimming and stationary biking. These activities not only have a relatively low impact on your body, but you'll also build strength and promote faster healing than if you stay immobile throughout your recovery. As with walking, be sure to take it easy at first, and don't rush into the exercises.
Consider Resistance Exercises
After a couple of weeks of light exercise have passed, you can add some light resistance training to your post-surgery recovery plan. Forget about using weights at the moment—instead, stick with exercises that use your own body weight or exercise bands. This will help reduce the potential for serious injury while you continue your recovery.
Not only do resistance exercises help you increase your strength, but they're also great for tightening up loose skin. These exercises will also prepare you for more rigorous activity as the weeks pass.
Ease Into Higher-Impact Aerobics
After a month or two of recovery and light exercise, you should be ready to tackle more strenuous activities. Once the operated-on areas have recovered properly, you can gradually ease back into high-impact activities like cycling, weightlifting, and heavy aerobics. When lifting weights, for example, don't be afraid to start off light and ease yourself back to your normal weights over the course of weeks.
During this time, you'll want to keep a close eye on your body and your health. Any signs of excessive soreness or bruising in or near operated-on areas should warrant a visit to your doctor as soon as possible.
Don't Go Overboard
No matter what you do to stay active during your recovery phase, you shouldn't take on more exercise than you can handle. The last thing you want is to risk injury by overexerting yourself during any activity. Here are a few other tips you can use to stay safe as well as stay active:
Staying active after liposuction surgery not only speeds up recovery, but it also helps you stay in the shape you want to be in. With these tips, you can remain trim and healthy throughout the recovery process and beyond. Contact a doctor, like Dr. Robert J. Troell, M.D., F.A.C.S., for additional advice on recovering from liposuction.