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Choosing the Right Procedures

I have worked as a receptionist at a popular cosmetic surgery office for the past ten years, and I have seen every type of cosmetic surgery and recovery that you could imagine. Unfortunately, some patients are much better at choosing their procedures than others. For example, we had one patient that opted to have ten nose jobs in a row, which lead to a deformed bridge and a super tiny nose tip. Unfortunately, when she came back a few months later to have the problem corrected, the doctors didn't have enough tissue to work with. On my website, you will learn how to decide which procedures are right for you, so that you aren't left regretting your decisions down the road.


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Choosing the Right Procedures

    Tattoo Breakup: How To Handle Your Ex's Name Tattooed On Your Body

    If you have your ex's name tattooed somewhere on your body, then you're probably regretting the decision. It seemed like a good idea at the time, but now you are sick of the reminder every time you look in the mirror. The problem is very common. Getting matching tattoos is romantic, and many couples step it up a notch by getting each others names permanently inked on their bodies. Of course, at the time you never thought the ink would last longer then the relationship.

    3 Things To Remember When Getting Laser Hair Removal Under Your Arms

    Not having to shave your armpits anymore can be an amazing thing, so many people are excited at the prospect of getting laser hair removal under their arms. Laser hair removal removes all of the dark, coarse hair under your armpits after a series of laser treatments. However, if you are considering getting this procedure done, there are certain things that you are going to want to keep in mind in order to make the procedure a successful and good experience for you.

    Unexpected Result For The Duodenal Switch Surgery - "Cure" For Diabetes

    Patients looking for an alternative to the typical gastric bypass surgery can choose a duodenal switch surgery instead. In this type of weight loss surgery, a gastric bypass of the stomach is performed as usual, but then the liver and bile ducts are connected directly into the bypassed section of small intestine via the duodenum, or the small organ just below the stomach which connects it to the small intestine. Recently, surgeons have discovered an amazing side effect: this procedure practically cures diabetes.

    4 Common Laser Hair Removal Myths Debunked

    If you're considering laser hair removal, you're probably beginning to do your research. Laser hair removal can be a great option for many individuals. Below are four common myths associated with laser hair removal and the truths behind them. Myth: Hair Removed By a Laser Is Permanently Gone While laser hair removal can help to reduce the amount of hair that regrows, your hair will not be permanently gone. Unfortunately, there are no methods available that result in permanent hair removal.

    Botox Injections Into Your Bladder Muscle: The Answer To Urinary Frequency And Bladder Leakage

    No more will you have to keep running back and forth as you cope with more than your share of visiting the restroom at home and in public places. Urinary frequency is the bane of your life that has you scurrying around like the man in the stadium commercial who can't seem to settle in his game seat before he is up again beating a fast track to the restroom. Botox is recognized as the answer to the problem after your urologist diagnoses and rules you are a candidate for bladder reconstruction.